For richer or poorer
I just had a lunch.. i rarely go out for lunch but i decided that i need a decent lunch before Ramadhan comes tomorrow.
While we were enjoying our last lunch before Ramadhan, my friend saw a blind man coming from behind me, with his assistant/guidance (whatever u call her/him). She told me that she didn't want to donate. I know she felt guilty, and didn't want to look vain at the same time. Told her, if you donate half-heartedly, better don't. I gave her an empty look as I, myself rarely donate for blind man, or any beggar as a matter of fact, who walks table to table.
Since i was small, i was taught by my mother not to donate money to these people. Beggar is a harsh word to use, but they beg for money, don't they? These people..Some of them are either partially blind,or they belong in a syndicate that use kids, old women with kids, and disabled people as their modus operandi. If you notice, these people usually come in a taxi or a van or any form of pickup transport provided by their mandur.
When I was still living in JB, if these people came to me, I sometimes talk to them and told them to go to Welfare Depmt as they have allocations for the orphanage, old folks, poor and disabled people. Tapi biasala, ada sesetengah tu..esp the Burmese ni slalu kong ajo, esp budak2. Cam nak sepak2 je rase.
If you lepak long enough at the stalls, you will notice they will come back after about half an hour. They will take turn in about 10-15 minutes (but these days you can see ramai sgt). For whatever reason they are doing it, I personally diss them. I mean, I pity them. Yes. But there are alot of other ways for them to earn decent money, and most importantly earn respect. And the saddest part is that, mostly are Malays. Cover muke sejap! Sedih nengok Melayu camni :( I don't care if you are some MDs or clerks or cleaners, all of them are the same because all of us are trying to make end meets by doing a decent job.
These blindpeople..They maybe unfortunate for not able to see the colours of the world since the day they were born. Or perhaps, on their journey of life. But it's fated, written in the book of God. They need to take a pride in themselves for getting the special place in Hereafter. But that doesn't give them the priviledge to degrade themselves by begging for sympathy while they are still alive. They are only blind, but they still have the energy, and most importantly, brain to think. Apela salahnye enroll themselves in a training center for disabled. There are alot of such centers in this country. In fact, one of my favourite dolly was one made by blind people in JARO. I taught that doll to walk, u know.. so cute! Got fringe and all!
Ladies and gentlemen, I am a strong believer (heks!) dat Malaysians are very generous. I love our community. Indeed. If not,Bersamamu wouldn't be success. If not, our government couldn't bring the Acheh orphanage to this country for adoption. If not, Mercy could be long extint. If not, Ahmad and Mohammad could probably be the real life version of "Stuck On You". If not, Ras Adiba Radzi could never walk again and drive her posh Volvo. All thanks to generous Malaysians.
However, if you really want to donate, please do so at the mosque. Or do a bit more. It doesn't take much of your effort. Just find a welfare center, a family or a person. Just ONE. Donate for that particular subject of your choice that you believe in most need of help. Every month. Tak banyak.. Seguni beras pon takpe. At least you know where your donation gone, and wat it is used for.There are a lot of welfare centers in Malaysia. Opt for the ones that really in need. Most famous orphanage centers have more funds than you think. And the orphans are richer than you. These kids get to attend alot of functions, meet alot of celebrities, get a handful of gifts and duit raya. That's why most orphans prefer to stay at the centers than their own home. Not that i have anything against them or anything...It's a fair share. I know, even though they are showered with gifts and lavish treatments, they are missing the love of their late parent/s.
But have you ever thought of those who refuse or not able to enroll in the centers just because they can't leave their family due to their obligations. At such a young age, they take responsibilities of their parent/s. These kids are the ones that we really need to help. They don't come to you. They don't seek for attention. They don't ask for help. But it's our duty to come to them, care for them and help them.
Choose your donatee. It won't hurt your wallet. And it will never make you a penny poorer.
Living 12 000 miles away in a city way way too cosmopolitan than anything...your writings made me ponder.Been a while that I last met a beggar...well..not that long ago that I gave my last 1 quid that I had in my purse to the beggar outside the tube station..wrapped in a worn out duvet...trying to shield himself from the cold.
..Once I & my siblings brought our beloved opah to uptown (where the scene of your "beggars" are centred) for the first time..and guess what??She ended up donating at least RM5 to every blind person that came to the table..and you can guess how they became an instant richard branson that night!We told opah "camni tak boleh la bwk opah dtg sini selalu..nanti sume org ni suka...(cos as you said..these are speared by the "syndicate"")..and my opah replied.."duit sentiasa boleh dicari..rezeki tidak akan putus selagi adanya keberkatan Tuhan.Tidak timbul soal keraguan kalau dlm bab menderma kerana apa yg penting adalah niat yg lahir di hati tika dan detik itu".Her sayings lingered on my mind til now.And I remain with her wisdom..I beg to differ with you my grago..but I think niat harus sentiasa kekal dan tidak perlulah timbulnya perasaan was was dalam amalan bersedekah.Whatever and however that money been used or spent's not within your do what you can do to help others...with the greatest hope that your bit will help change their life...if not for the best...for the better : )
I agree with you...Yang penting nawaitu. But wouldn't it be better if we donate the money to someone who needs it more? I'm not questioning on others' good deed and nawaitu. But we know that the syndicates are taking advantage our kindness, and by keeping our eyes shut, aren't we all supporting them, indirectly?
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