Saya sgt pressure!
Still at the office all alone, doin endless work.
I'm so fuckin bz. I hate!!!! Argghhhhhh...
Tanak keje aa.. nak kawin, dok umah jaga anak!
Hukssss :-(
My life is not for public display, but there are times when i want my thoughts to be heard silently and argued loudly. Don't ask any questions and don't try to understand Open up your mind and then open up your heart And you will see that you and me aren't very far apart
Still at the office all alone, doin endless work.
I'm so fuckin bz. I hate!!!! Argghhhhhh...
Tanak keje aa.. nak kawin, dok umah jaga anak!
Hukssss :-(
Dumped by
9:03 pm
I don't really mind you getting married...but having a "grago..or gragoes junior"????????
Think twice Ojie...THINK!!!
(jgn marah ah....nanti kene jual!)
Love you loads,the count down has begun!
Anonymous said...
I don't really mind you getting married...but having a "grago..or gragoes junior"????????
Think twice Ojie...THINK!!!
(jgn marah ah....nanti kene jual!)
Love you loads,the count down has begun!
siot je joj!
Well, at least i know that i will have the most adorable gragoes of all ;)
Me and my adorable grago juniors hahahhaa!! Ain't that cute?
See, dah ade abg syeikh aminkan utk aku :-P
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