Where's Homer ?
Homer was kidnapped - during his visit to Malaysia!
Who would have dare to pull off something like that?
Sick! But nice one bro!!
My life is not for public display, but there are times when i want my thoughts to be heard silently and argued loudly. Don't ask any questions and don't try to understand Open up your mind and then open up your heart And you will see that you and me aren't very far apart
Homer was kidnapped - during his visit to Malaysia!
Who would have dare to pull off something like that?
Sick! But nice one bro!!
Dumped by
7:00 pm
Recycle bin: daily crap
A friend sent this image to me with the title, "How to stop women from smoking"
Alerr... gile salah statement tu.
Kenapa pompuan takkan berenti dengan adanya rokok ni:
Dumped by
2:21 pm
Recycle bin: daily crap
please please please someone hypnotize me into loving my job
btw, berat badan gua dah naik 1 kg from last week
makan lagi makan makan makannnn sampai gemuksss
Dumped by
2:15 pm
Recycle bin: daily crap
I don't think I'm having PMS, as my menstrual cycle just completed its course yesterday.
But I cried. I was listening to "What Hurts the Most" by Monica and I cried.
Oh boy, I miss him. And it hurts.
I can't believe after so long i am missing him still.
It could have been our 96, and it could be our 9th since the 1st date.
There are things that i regret of doing in my life.
Breaking up with him is one of it.
Dumped by
4:24 pm
Recycle bin: hearty, melancholic
I've just uploaded an official website for Drivemocion. Check it out here.
I'd say pretty ok for over-the-weekend work.
Temporary je... bila ada masa nanti saya buat la better sket ok kwn2.
Btw, Drivemocion is a cool car signage with messages and emocions (“smileys”) which drivers can use to communicate with other drivers.
Girls, i think it's a good news to y'all... Now everybody can have 5 seconds of flirt without much of an effort to look pretty behind the wheels ;-)
Check out its first ever review in News Straits Times here.
"You have smileys on your computer and on your phone. Now prepare to use them on your car"
Kinda like that tag!
I said, this could be a perfect day for me. Sleep in.. Movie marathon.. Cool, rainy day... Pastu pekena sup ekor panas.. Beshnyeer!!!
And a guy laughed like I just made a perverted joke.
We went to Jalan Doraisamy as Ayu and I wanted to accomplish the perfect-day mission.
Sup ekor panas dalam periuk besar kat warung sorong blakang lorong, dipped with slices of bread, traditionally baked in a charcoal oven. I call it Soup the Hard Rock Sg Segget style.
I ordered the ox tail soup and seek approval from Babathe who introduced me to the joint.
The Indian hawker gave me a strange look. So as the elderly Malay couple who sat next to me... apparently because I said "Ok tak babat, ok tak ni, ok tak?" enthusiastically when I ordered the soup.
Then the guy gave dat stupid laugh again...
I was seeking for the opinion on the taste of the soup, not how the aphrodisiac substance can do to my estrogen level la, you all freaking perverts!
It was the picture perfect, the whole scenario... and the soup.
And people's perception of it.